Ogre 2.0 is up to 3x faster

…and I’m biased like no one! Now that I’ve got your attention with such pretentious title :), let’s clear a few things: This is an unfair comparison. More than half of Ogre features are disabled (because they do not compile or would crash). It’s possible that adding them back could […]

Ogre 2.0 Few Entities - Animated

Good bye AxisAlignedBox, Hello Aabb

For Ogre 2.0; I’m introducing the new class ‘Aabb’. For once, it has a shorter name 🙂 Aside from that, it’s exactly like an AxisAlignedBox, except it has different representation to store it’s data. AxisAlignedBox stores the bounds using the minimum and maximum corners of the box. Aabb instead uses the […]