Distant Souls

Good bye AxisAlignedBox, Hello Aabb

For Ogre 2.0; I’m introducing the new class ‘Aabb’. For once, it has a shorter name 🙂 Aside from that, it’s exactly like an AxisAlignedBox, except it has different representation to store it’s data. AxisAlignedBox stores the bounds using the minimum and maximum corners of the box. Aabb instead uses the […]

On floating point determinism

It’s been recently on twitter a small discussion on floating point determinism. It started off as a C# talk, but then deviated in out of context quotes coming from multiple platforms and languages that added confusion; but it’s hard to explain it in 140 char limit. So, the issue I’m […]

New site!

I’ve finally revamped my website. I was on many projects at the same time and I felt it was getting out of hand: A blog at Blogspot, a wiki & forum at Ogre3d.org, the free royalty free music database in this site; and then there’s my Twitter account… So, I […]