Yearly Archives: 2016

Frustum vs Pyramid intersection (also Frustum vs Frustum)

I couldn’t find much (helpful) info about this online, other than “just use SAT” in a sentence with no code or explanation. Maybe my Google-Fu failed me. But considering Emil Persson labelled this a hard problem, perhaps it isn’t only me (note: Hard here does not refer to Hard NP. […]

Clustered Forward vs Deferred Shading

So… this is a highly discussed topic these days. Many engines already do Deferred Shading. Doom 2016 decided to go Forward at 60 FPS with 1080p, thus making popular that big AAA titles with high demands can do Forward just fine (although it’s not the first nor only AAA title that […]

Solución: La página de AFIP no permite eliminar adherentes de Obra Social

La página de AFIP siempre está llena de actualizaciones, muchas de ellas innecesarias. Y sucede que en la última actualización algunos se habrán encontrado con la sorpresa que es imposible eliminar un adherente de Obra Social del Monotributo. El caso en cuestión se trataba de un allegado cuyo familiar adherente había […]

Solving GPUView 4000 was unexpected at this time error.

Also in Spanish “No se esperaba 4000 en este momento” Turns out GPUView’s latest log.cmd that comes with Windows ADK for Windows 10 is quite moronic and US-centric. This error happens because the script at C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Windows Performance Toolkit\gpuview\log.cmd calls systeminfo: systeminfo > me.txt findstr /sipn /C:”Total Physical […]

Git, the Linux kernel, and other projects.

So every now and then I hear: – We’re falling short on git. It wasn’t designed for big projects. [often in the context of game development] – Is your project as big as the Linux Kernel? No? I thought so. I find this extremely misleading. Not because the Linux Kernel isn’t […]